
浏览量:2086  来源:www.quanlitest.com  作者:全力测试 时间:2019-09-04

1、液压万能试验机主机 一台

1. A Main Machine of Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine


Extension auxiliaries for bolts of fittings of hydraulic universal testing machine

2、液压万能试验机标准油源 一套

2. Standard Oil Source Set for Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine

3、电液伺服全数字PC控制器(含计算机) 一台

3. An Electro-hydraulic Servo Full Digital PC Controller (Including Computer)

4、试验机专用PC测控卡 一件

4. One PC Measuring and Controlling Card for Testing Machine

5、打印机 一台

5. A Printer

6、电液伺服阀 一台

6. One Electro-hydraulic Servo Valve

7、电气控制箱(与油源一体) 一套

7. Electrical control box (integrated with oil source)

8、压力传感器 一件

8. One Pressure Sensor

9、标距50mm引伸计 一件

9. One Extension Meter with Standard Distance of 50mm

10、油缸活塞位移传感器及连接件 一套

10. A set of displacement sensors and connectors for cylinder piston

11、 全数字伺服控制软件 一套

11. Full Digital Servo Control Software Set

12、 多功能试验数据处理软件包 (包括拉压常用试验软件) 一套

12. Multifunctional Test Data Processing Software Package (including common tension and compression test software)

13、 管线 一套

13. Pipeline Set

14、 附具(拉伸、压缩、弯曲及安装用备件) 一套

14. A set of accessories (spare parts for stretching, compression, bending and installation)http://www.quanlitest.com

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